[R-HC] Direct Mail Services
Hotcards prints millions of postcards each week! So rest assured that when you go with us, your project is never too large for Hotcards. Conversely, it’s never too small either— we do tons of local and small business direct mailings.
We also offer Every Door Direct Mail, which was designed to help business owners target a larger group of customers by geographic location at a significant discount, Hotcards is your go-to source for creating EDDM campaigns.
DIRECT MAIL PRODUCTSHello, 16¢ postage
(Yes, it’s totally legal— USPS and HC are tight)
When you choose direct mail through Hotcards, you get to enjoy a highly discounted postage rate for your batch mailings.
You also don’t have to lift a finger or lick envelopes and risk ending up like Susan Ross. That’s because we handle it all, from design to print to delivery.
Political direct mail
Direct mail postcards, wafer-sealed brochures and flyers, oversized self-mailers, and just about anything else you can think of... Smart candidates choose Hotcards to get their campaign messages out to the voters who need to hear them. Also, we proudly provide Union label printing for those who want to show their support for labor!
No list, no prob.
If you’re using Hotcards to build your mailing list, then list management is already included in our service. If you’ve purchased bulk listings from another source, it’s more important than ever that you use Hotcards to help you manage your mailing lists.
Poorly managed lists leed to potentially massive problems, like improperly directed mailers, poor response rates, false or obsolete addresses, and wasted investment.
(Did you spot our mistake? If not, then definitely talk to us.)Hotcards is trusted by

(Just to name a few)