If you're having trouble uploading your file to our website, there could be several possible reasons:

  • Wrong File Format: Make sure your file is in one of the accepted formats. Please refer to this article <Insert Link "What type of files can I send?"> for the file types we support.
  • File Size Too Large: Your file might exceed the size limits.
  • Page Count Mismatch: If the number of pages in your file doesn’t match your order specifications, such as trying to upload a 2-page PDF for a 4/0 order, the upload may fail.
  • Corrupt File: If your file is corrupt, you’ll need to re-export it from your design program and try uploading again.
  • Server Issues: If none of the above issues apply, there might be a server issue on our end. Please contact us <Insert Link "Reporting a Bug on Our Website"> to report the problem