We only guarantee color if you've ordered a Custom Quote and this has explicitly been documented. Due to the nature of the type of batch printing process we employ for most of our orders, exact color accuracy in your printed materials cannot be guaranteed. But don't fret! This doesn't mean our colors are whack! In fact, 99.9% of the time, they're exactly as you would expect. Batch printing involves combining multiple print jobs on a single press sheet to reduce costs, which on rare occasions can lead to slight color variations despite our best efforts to maintain consistency.

Several factors can contribute to these color variations, including:

  • Paper Stock: Different paper types and finishes can affect how ink is absorbed, leading to variations in color appearance.
  • Ink Saturation: Ink levels may vary across different parts of the press sheet, affecting color intensity.
  • Print Environment: Conditions in the print shop, such as humidity and temperature, can impact how colors dry and adhere.
  • Color Calibration: While we use industry-standard color profiles, slight variations in calibration between print runs may occur.

We understand that color accuracy is important, and we strive to minimize any variations. However, it's important to note that slight differences may occur between print runs or between the digital proof and the final printed product.

To help ensure the best possible color accuracy for our standard products, we recommend:

  • Following industry best practices for file preparation.
  • Ensuring your artwork is prepared correctly, using appropriate color profiles and Pantone colors where needed.

While exact color matches cannot be guaranteed in batch printing, we are committed to providing high-quality printed materials that meet industry standards. If you have any concerns about color accuracy, please Request a Custom Quote.