Pantone colors can affect your printed project in three key ways:

  1. Effects on Pantone Colors: When you apply effects like shadows or glows on top of Pantone colors, transparency issues can occur during printing. To prevent this, it's best to convert all Pantone colors to CMYK before submitting your order.
  2. Transparent Images with Pantone Colors: Using transparent images alongside Pantone colors can lead to compatibility issues. Make sure these elements work well together to avoid any unexpected printing problems.
  3. Color Conversion Between Pantone and CMYK: When Pantone colors are used in a design intended for CMYK printing, the colors may not translate as expected. Converting Pantone colors to CMYK will alter the original color, so it’s important to do this conversion before submitting your order to ensure the colors print as intended.

By addressing these considerations and preparing your files accordingly, you can achieve the desired color outcomes in your printed materials.