Non-Presort First Class

  • 200 pieces to qualify for Non-Presort First Class
  • Post office delivery time is estimated 2 - 3 business days
  • Non-Presort First Class is the same as placing a stamp on an envelope (no discount)

Presorted First Class

  • 500 pieces required to qualify for Presort First Class
  • Post office delivery time is estimated 1 - 3 business days

Presorted Standard

  • 200 pieces required to qualify for Presort Standard
  • Post office delivery time is estimated two weeks
  • Cheapest postage rate but longest delivery time


  • 200 pieces to qualify for Nonprofit mail
  • Customer needs to provide authorized Customer Registration ID (CRID) number and the Nonprofit Authorization Number to qualify for nonprofit rate
  • Post office delivery time is estimated two weeks (Same as Presort Standard)
  • Uses customer's Nonprofit account with Hotcards’ permit number